Friday, October 22, 2010

The composer next door

{Chopin museum, Valldemossa, Mallorca, Spain}
I always thought it must have been so dreamy for Chopin's Mallorca neighbors, back in the day when he lived & composed there. So I was thrilled to learn our new neighbor is a composer!

{Valldemossa, Mallorca}
The neighbor's been hard at work on a piece for London's Covent Garden & I love closing my eyes when spellbinding piano music fills the air...daydreaming of old Mallorca. :)
~ Have a dreamy, spellbound weekend! ~

P.S. Isn't it great when neighbors make life nicer?
P.P.S. I'll be traveling and offline rest of today, but can't wait to visit your blogs when I'm back!

(Images via Recollections of a Vagabonde and Travelpod.)


  1. I've a neighbor who plays oboe. In summer it was like having private concerts. I still remember one Sunday he played Ravel's Bolero. It was amazing!

  2. I know we have a musician somewhere in the chestnut forest, but he/she is unseen and plays the tuba! I reckon that it must be a school kid keeping up with practice when classes are out for summer vacation. It is just the most crazy and uplifting thing to hear the sounds of a tuba emitting from somewhere deep in the chestnut forest!

  3. How fun! And a lovely weekend to you too :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. whenever I hear someone practicing piano half of me remembers how much I hated practicing piano and the other is reminiscent of it, sometimes I wish I had a piano here to play...have a nice weekend!

  6. How fantastic! Neighbors really do make the world so much nicer. It's a bit sad that people don't know their neighbors as well as they used to anymore -- I've always wanted to find a community to live in where that wasn't the case. Someday...

  7. I love the decor in first pic, very warmy

  8. Oh yes, this is fantastic. I have a neighbor who plays the piano, pretty well, and I love to hear the sound of his music wafting down the hall. And even more exciting when it's a composer! I used to have a opera loving neighbor, who asked me to let him know when it was too loud. I told him my only complaint, if any, was that the volume was too low!



  9. That's so neat! A community of talented people surely makes the community so much richer.

  10. Wow that's really cool. A concert every day for free!

  11. You lucky girl! Now that's a perfect neighbor! I envy you:-). Happy weekend to you!XX

  12. Okay, now I want to return to France right away though I've just returned ;)
    Happy hugs for a wonderful weekend, sweet Jude xxxx

  13. Yes, lucky indeed. I mostly just hear my neighbors dog barking - it's not quite the same.

  14. Sounds wonderful :) My neighbours listen to crappy music, always have a bonfire so smoke comes in our place and recently got a hot tub... want to trade!?

  15. how nice! I have a barking dog as my neighbour too. I would happily swap.

  16. What an ideal neighbor to have, especially if you enjoy his music.. :) That is so cool! What a treat.
    Have a great trip! xo

  17. Thanks for all your lovely comments! How awesome that some of you have musical neighbours to enjoy too :)

  18. Such a talent ! Your photographs are stunning.

  19. that's so lovely! Lucky you to have a neighbor like that.
    Have a great weekend! oxo

  20. How fun! Lucky the neighbor isn't terrible with music, then you may not be so happy, hehe.

  21. sounds lovely to have a neighbour who is a composer :)

  22. What a beautiful post with adorable photos! That's really nice to have such a neighbour! Enjoy your weekend, Jude!

  23. Sounds like a perfect neighbor to me. We have one that practices his bagpipes every evening outside on his patio. It's not hard to know why his wife has him on the patio with them!!

    Both of these shots are wonderful. I especially like the first one.

  24. Gorgeous! Great neighbours certainly make all the difference. I hope you have an amazing weekend.

  25. Valldemossa! i use to go there a lot, is such a beautiful place and you can buy a tipical thing for breakfast called "coca de patata" translate is something like "potato bun"?

  26. What a wonderful surprise! Lucky you! Glad you get to reap the benefits :) Have a wonderful weekend, sweetie! xoxo

  27. great post hope you have a fab weekend xxxx

  28. How cool! I would just want to sit in their house and listen to their creations :) See you when you get back to technology!

  29. Oh that is too cool, its like you get free mini concerts via your walls

  30. Your photos are so beautiful!
    Have a great weekend,

  31. WOW...sounds like a fabulous neighbor you get to hear all that beautifulness:)

    Enter my Tulle Giveaway♥

  32. As usual beautiful words and images. Im off to imagine Chopin as my neighbor!

  33. oh how fantastic!!! and composing a piece for covent's garden to boot!

    (i have a neighbour who is a pianist...used to have one who is a violinist....)

  34. Well I don't have a neighbor that's a composer. I'm not that lucky. However, I am lucky enough to live next door to a magnificent theater!


  35. Okay, I am having neighbor envy! That is so COOL!!! I love, love music of all kinds. This would make life so much better on every level I think.

  36. That sounds fabulous, free concerts would be so nice floating through the wall :)

  37. Very nice photos!
    xoxo from Hannie

  38. This is SO sweet! We mostly hear about all the annoying things neighbors do, but sometimes they help you cut the high parts of trees, bake you cookies or fill your living room with beautiful music! Hope you're enjoying a fabulous weekend!

  39. So beautiful and I agree that neighbors really can make the place so much nicer:)

    Btw: I also wanted to fly to Italy as soon as I saw EPL...and eat pasta...hahah

  40. the chopin museum is amazing, jude.
    thanks for sharing the inspiring pictures.
    the interior designs are very inspiring!

  41. Wonderful post! Congrats on your wonderful new neighbor, too! Yes, it is refreshing when they can enrich life -- rather than be an annoyance!

  42. Oh that would be like being in a movie. Heavenly music floating through the greenery! Worth having neighbours like that.

  43. wow. that pic of chopin's house is beautiful. i hope your neighbor composes good music!!! new music is the best!!


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