Monday, October 25, 2010

Change is in the air

Hope everyone had a wonderful fall weekend! Thank you for all your sweet comments Friday - I've been off the grid, but can't wait to catch up on your blogs. :)

I'm excited. For 4 years, I've been living a nomadic life in London, Cambridge, DC (with stints in Hawaii, of course :))... All for work and love. But as of this fall, our jobs are going to let my significant other and I spend more months together in the States each year!

We still have to go between the East Coast and London sometimes, but I'm psyched to not face another London winter (3pm sunsets are un-fun!) and to be less footloose.

The first side effect? We took a trip out on the lovely East Coast to celebrate and soak in fall color. I could get used to this. :)
~ Wishing you a lovely fall week ahead! ~

{Photographs of changing fall foliage taken in Hudson Valley, NY.}


  1. exciting news! congratulations :)

  2. that is great news!
    so happy for you :)

  3. I'm jealous! don't remind me of 3pm dark winters here in England, glad you have your time worked out, congratulations

  4. The photos are so beautiful! And that news is fantastic -- I hear London winters can be quite dreary.

  5. Awesome news Jude! I'm very happy for you both! Also, lovely pics of the Hudson Valley. Happy Monday. XX

  6. Oh happy day! Oh happy day!! And these pics, so gorgeous!

    Love ya girl!

  7. That's just great news - congratulations! Thank you for posting these gorgeous photos. We've finally got chilly mornings here in Phoenix and I'm feeling all full of fall but we don't have color like this.

  8. Awesome!! I love the Fall colors so much but would not mind a trip to London either :)

  9. Congrats and how lovely are those fall colors! So glad you'll be closer and in the US (miss the shopping there!)

    Ahh yes London winters and early sunsets - definitely do NOT miss them!

    p.s. I think my site may have had problems with GFC - hope that you joined ok!

  10. Wonderful! Although I admire you for living in London, cold winters can be horrid. I am excited for you and your loved one and I love these photos.

  11. Soooooo lovely! I have my own fall images to share from my weekend away in Syracuse. The colors were outta this world!

  12. You do take very gorgeous pictures Jude...just so lovely!

  13. Awww this is such great news! So happy for you!!! :) Love the fall foliage pics here.

  14. Hey thx for dropping by!
    Dont forget to check her website which you can d/l free pdf of her catalogue.

  15. Aw, thanks so much, everyone, for your lovely, lovely comments! London is great, but its winters not so much! :)

  16. beautiful pictures as always, jude.
    i'm always inspired everytime i come to your blog.
    have a great day!

  17. Great news! I know the feeling - it is better not to travel all the time, but then again having a bit of travel in the cards will be a great. And I do think that living full time in the US one misses London. Certainly not the 3 pm sunsets, perhaps the 4 am sunrise in the summer, but certainly the London grit and charm mixed with a good dose of continental Europe... xo bb

  18. Awesome! The thing I hate most about winter is the days getting shorter.

  19. yayyy to East Coast (i'm from jersey) - but it can be cold here too - nothing liek Hawaii *jealous*

    *kiss kiss*

    PS --> love for you to stop by and
    *Enter Camille Beckman Luxury Give-Away Here*

  20. Congratulations! Nothing like those little gifts that life throws us!
    xo tash

  21. Woohoo! I'm so happy for you! :-))) Beautiful photos, too! Have a wonderful week, Jude! And thanks for your nice words at my blog!

  22. So good you get to spend time together!
    There are no place more beautiful than Hudson Valley in the Fall! A dream to see the leafs in all colors:)

  23. How wonderful for you :) Are you going to be in Hawaii then? What a gorgeous place!

  24. That's great news Jude! I am really very happy for you. The Hudson Valley is gorgeous at this time of year, and that first shot captures it beautifully!

  25. The colors oh the colors! Beautiful!

  26. the colors in that first photo are so beautiful, nothing like a north east fall

  27. Beautiful colors, esp in the first picture!
    Enjoy another sweet Fall week too, my friend xxxx

  28. the colours are beautiful and i agree 3pm sunsets are not fun LOL. i was in sweden one winter and im not sure i could live there.

  29. Congrats on being closer together! But wow - Hawaii sure would be an amazing home!!


  30. How wonderful! That's fantastic news! Love these photos. They look like my weekend :)

    Hope your week is off to a fabulous start! xoxo

  31. What a beautiful picture! It makes me want to visit England and see their beautiful gardens so badly.

  32. great news! And fab pictures! Sadly, we have this for about 2 weeks in Calgary and then it is gone! All the trees here are bare already :*(

  33. Oh that's good news indeed. So good to hear.

  34. So happy for you two! That you can be close and not have to weather 3 p.m sunsets!

    I love that we'll be back in the States, but your mention of sunsets reminds me of the super short days we're going to face (by mid-december here, it's light till 11 p)... OK. I think I may have complained--err--mentioned this before!

  35. Enjoy your time together... lovely images!

  36. Hi Jude! We had to replace our tickets last night, one day less than we originally wanted, but oh well!

    When are you going back to the island?

  37. oooh gotta love the hudson valley!! changing leaves are sooo beautiful.

  38. Congrats babe.. Very beautiful and inspiring photos

  39. Wonderful news. Travelling constantly is fun, at first, but there does come a time when it's nice to put down more roots. I'm very happy for you and can't blame you at all for being happy to by-pass a dark and wet British winter! (Can I slip into your suitcase)! ;)

  40. AMAZING! Congrats! Sounds so fun to hop around from place to place. :) Now that I'm back in New Orleans, I am fantasizing about a similar life!

    I cannot find where/how to follow your blog??

  41. Glad to hear work life is looking up for you guys : )

    Oh and that first picture is breathtaking!

  42. Those colors make me swoon. You captured them beautifully.

  43. I know I'm a bit late in the game, but congratulations! Enjoy the beautiful fall colors.


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