Thursday, September 9, 2010

Tagged! 10 things I love

I've been tagged by You can call me Meghan to reveal 10 things I love. Thanks, Meghan! My family and friends are a given, so in no particular order...
{The Maldives}
#1. Traveling - I'm always moving to new places so it kind of goes together :)

#2. Paddling down a lazy river (I love water)

#3. Eating, of course! Today, I'm succumbing to these chocolates

#4. Secret grottos and waterfalls

#5. Music has always been important. I love many genres.

#6. Late afternoon light

#7. Seeing butterflies

{I love this dancing image from a Netherlands dance festival}
#8. Dancing! (I'm awful at it! But love how it makes me feel.)

#9. Man's (and woman's! :)) best friend

{English sunrise, Scholes}
#10. Sunrises and sunsets - like daily doses of magic

I'm excited to hear what you love too! :)

(Images top to bottom via FreeWine, Druid Labs, Ozgur Mulazimoglu, morberg, blmurch, Creativity+, Haags Uitburo, nattu, Laughing Squid and tricky.)


  1. great answers and great photos to match

  2. Lovely list and lovely images to match :)

  3. That's a great list and the photos match so beautifully!

  4. I couldn't get past the Earl Grey chocolate, yum!

  5. fantastic answers.. and those photos are just flawless

  6. What a great post Jude, and that butterfly shot is beyond amazing. Gorgeous!!!

  7. I agree with all of these. But the late afternoon light is an especially good call!

  8. awwww this is such a beautiful list. The afternoon light was a great one.. They would all make my list too!

  9. what a great list! :D Thanks for taking part! I love that cute little dog.

  10. The water in that first

  11. oh wow - that picture of the late afternoon sun - you can sooo feel the warmth can't you ?

    Wonderful, thank you so much for sharing them

  12. wow, i have to ditto everything you said! love everyone of them! but would also add kitties...or animals in general :)


  13. Thanks so much for your sweet comments, everyone! It's lovely to hear what you like too :) {I'm so sorry, I want to reply individually, as usual! Just that w/summer ending, my schedule has picked up...but I love reading every comment (esp. since I'll know who you are & can visit your lovely blogs too! :)...thank you for reading!}

  14. Delighted to learn more about you - am fond of music, too, and I love playing the piano. Nature is indeed man's closest friend. Enjoy the day;-)

  15. Delighted to learn more about you - am fond of music, too, and I love playing the piano. Nature is indeed man's closest friend. Enjoy the day;-)

  16. Oh yes all lovely! Gotta love magic hour {aka afternoon light}... beautiful
    xo tash

  17. I love this.

    I agree with you on the answers, and I really like your #1. I hope to do that one day.

    My favorite things? Hmmm.... Right now, eating a bowl of mint chocolate chip ice cream. :) simply wonderful.

    I'm going to try find your chocolates.

  18. Beautiful pictures!!
    beautiful propositions!!
    greetings from Spain

  19. What a lovely list. I would include #6-10 on mine as well!

  20. My days have been crazy of late. Usually, i'd be the first to comment, now my comments are way down on the list:-(. Anyway, very eye candy pictures and everything you listed would've been a favorite of mine too:-). XX Oh, yummy chocolate too:-)

  21. Hi Jude. Thanks for your sweet comment. Love these photos specially the one of the chocolates

  22. that chocolate looks heavenly!

    I love tea (New England Harvest from Bar Harbor is my favorite), fabric, the color blue (my husband's eyes are blue), dancing, music, and lots of blankets!

  23. I love your loves. Many are mine too. xo :)

  24. I am with you on 4 & 5 -- food and music. Sometimes they go well together, but not always! xo BB

  25. love your list... i can identify with so many of them!

  26. Great 10 things to ♥, but now I gotta ask...did you ever learn to dance the hula? I never took pro lessons, but don't find it difficult to follow once you get the rhythm!

  27. Thanks for all your lovely, lovely comments!

    @Ashley - I'm feeling that bowl of mint choco chip ice cream! :)

    @Stacey - aw, I love your blog presence at anytime, you're sweet to visit even when things are crazy! (My days are nuttier too, with summer ending, I hear you! :))

    @Annette - those sound heavenly (I need to try that tea! Love tea too :))

    @Rowena - oh my goodness, you are *totally* wavelengthing with my post-writing this week - just started something involving hula! :) I never took pro lessons (unless you count classes at Kamehameha - but did the usual hula school education as a kid :))

  28. What a lovely post! Late afternoon light..lovely.

  29. Those chocolates look super tempting!! What brand is it? (I'm one big chocoholic and always on the look out for teh new flavors... Although Lindt chocolate still remains my favorite)

    As for your list, I agree with everythign except butterflies. I guess I migth really be having that fear of butterflies thing as I really don't ike those creatures near me! But I have no problem looking at pictures of them :)

  30. @ thingsIlove - thanks so much & thanks for dropping by!

    @ Julia - haha, that's so funny about the butterflies (I can understand it, they *are* insects :)) I've been munching on Dolfin! (leaving comment on your blog too :))


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