Wednesday, September 8, 2010

On food and life

People often asked the legendary food-writer, M.F.K. Fisher, why she wrote about food, and not more "worthy" topics like love or war. Her wonderful response:
"It seems to me that our three basic needs, for food and security and love, are so mixed and mingled and entwined that we cannot straightly think of one without the others. So it happens that when I write of hunger, I am writing about love and the hunger for it...and then the warmth and richness and fine reality of hunger satisfied...and it is all one."
To paraphrase Gourmet, Fisher redefined food-writing & helped make it "worthy" (breaking ground for female writers too!).

(Image via TreeHugger. The quote is in the foreward to Fisher's The Gastronomical Me.)


  1. how very true. I think there is a whole book out there on 'comfort food'- perhaps we should start a flickr group!

  2. What a lovely quote! And what is more interesting to read about than food..? Not much in my opinion :)

  3. have yet to start reading the huge tome I have of MK Fisher's works...should start on it soon!

  4. awesome. sometimes, I don't think we really appreciate food til we write about it. & usually, we don't write about it..until we can't have that certain food some cases.

  5. Hi Justine - haha, I absolutely LOVE that idea! :) (Would love to see your food photos!)

    Hi Signe - I agree! Well, esp. when food is connected to so many basic human emotions :)

    Hi Kat - I think you'd love some of her stuff! Some of it is fun, some nostalgic, some heartbreaking, some academic - a little of everything :)

    HI Kirsty - thanks!! :)

    Hi Ori - I know what you mean. I like that the act of writing makes us pay attention a little more to things :)

  6. I really like and agree with her quote. I'll have to check out her book! Thanks Jude!

  7. Very well said - there is no reason we should glorify war any more than food; indeed perhaps the opposite makes sense... xo bb

  8. very true - i think you will really like the post i will have on thursday...i bet you know what it will be on ;)

  9. Nothing wrong with writing about food. Barr none one of my MOST favorite topics! haha

  10. What a fabulous quote! And it's so true, right? Hope you're having a wonderful Wednesday!

  11. What a truly great quote! And I'm Italian so I know all about food-as-love lol

  12. Hi Annie - thanks & hope you'll find something you like - if nothing else, there's fab descriptions of food :)

    Hi Bombay Beauty - hear hear! Perhaps if more females did the writing...:)

    Hi daily mix LA - haha, I'm already looking forward! :)

    Hi Krysten - thank you! Hope you're settling in beautifully w/move!

    Hi Melissa - thanks so much!! :)

    Hi Amanda - likewise! And one of my favorite activities ;)

    Hi Alternative Wife - heehee, it's so so true :) Hope your Wed's been lovely!

    Hi Connie - haha - I love it! Yes, the Italians know a thing (or many) about food-as-love and vice versa! :)

  13. I love that bit. And I adore M.F.K. Fisher...there's so much already written about war and love and good and evil...its lovely to have a talented person devote her talents to food rather than those worthy topics....

  14. Food is my other passion!! (Chairs is one too :)) And you were right to point out that we spend a lot of time in them, just like we spend enough of time consuming food, thinking about food etc... Those are the staples!.. lol

    Also, thanks so much for the posotive vibrations regarding my future trip! I, myself, am so into travelling that it's been a hard year for me... I guess I still can't completely believe I get to go somewhere again! lol

  15. I love that quote and i love great food! I already know way too much about war so i'll take food over that any day. Also, while one can live without war, food on the other hand is necessary for ones survival. Happy Wednesday my friend! xx

  16. Thank you so very much for your sweet comment on my guest post over at Oh My Darling today. I am glad you got where I was coming from :)

  17. What a great post.
    Frankly, I think food is more than worthy.
    Especially anything chocolate :-)
    Lovely photo!

  18. That is such a great quote...For me its all about good, healthy food:)

    ps: I am hosting a really cute GIVEAWAY, so please join in:)

  19. Hi Indie.Tea - so true! And I do adore MFK Fisher. Thanks so much for visiting!

    Hi Julia - those things really are staples! And here's hoping you get to travel :) (I know what it's like to be denied for a long time!)

    Hi Stacey - I love the way you put it! More food, less war should be the way. Hope your Wed's been lovely!

    Hi Lottie - thanks so much, thx for dropping by!

    Hi Amber Blue Bird - I loved how you described NYC love :) Thanks so much for dropping by!

    Hi Lisa - I couldn't agree more! (Especially the chocolates bit :)) Hope your day's been going well!

    Hi Ren - thanks so much!! :)

    Hi Diana - sigh, nothing better than healthy, good yummy food! I'm heading over to the giveaway now - thanks for the heads-up!

  20. Love that quote! love your blog! love it all!
    xo tash

  21. very true and love that quote!

    thankyou for the comment on my blog :)

  22. I love this quote. Fisher is so right! xo style, she wrote

  23. Great words indeed. It's why the kitchen used to be the largest room in the house in older houses!

  24. I agree with everyone above. Great quote.

  25. A great quote ;) I never thought about food writing that way before, but it is very true.

  26. That's really interesting and so true! I love the quote!

  27. Thanks so much for your lovely comments!

    @ MarchMusings - I love that thing about the kitchen :)
    @ Chirpy Bird - thanks so much for dropping by!

  28. What a great quote! Her books are on my ever growing book list!

  29. Never heard of this author, but now I'm going to check her out. Thanks for the recommendation! She is right. Our basic needs are weaved together tightly.


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