Thursday, August 26, 2010

Photo du jour: Changing light

Off the shores of Kakaako, Hawaii. During long, dark London or New England winters, my mind wanders back to these things...

{An August Break post: Photographed on the island of Oahu.}


  1. this looks like a postcard! Beautiful! :)

  2. Wow!!!
    This should be on a postcard.
    So gorgeous!

  3. this would totally undermine my ability to work! bb

  4. I am pushing long, dark winters out of my mind and only focusing on the fact that christmas is less than 4 months away. Bring on the snow. I may even purchase tinted glasses (orange) to see a little lively color around here. ^_^

  5. wow what such perfect view...


  6. glorious sunset!
    The best things in life are free indeed!!


  7. Hi Isa - thanks so much, :) and thanks for dropping-by!

    Hi Signe - aw, thank you!

    Hi Lisa - I'm so touched (as always, since you're a *real*, amazing photographer! :))

    Hi Bombay Beauty - hahaa, so true! My brain cells turn to mush when I'm at home!

    Hi If Jane - oh, thanks so much! I appreciate it (esp. given your lovely pics :)).

    Hi Krysten - that's so sweet of you, thanks!

    Hi Rowena - hahaaahaaa - I love that! Hmm, I think I need to invest in some orange-colored glasses myself (how's the selection in Italy? :)). I always tend to spend the darkest winter months in London - NOT the wisest choice!

    HI Fabiola - aw, thank you!! So happy you enjoyed :)

    Hi LenoreNeverMore - oh gosh, I just love that! So so true. Hope your day's going well :)

    Hi Alternative Wife - thanks so much! (coming from you, that says a lot b/c, well, your images are stunning!)

  8. That is beautiful. I've been to Hawaii once... it was a long time ago when I was still a kid so nothing was romantic back then. I need to go back!

  9. this is just soooo lovely, wonderful.

  10. Stunning! I could just stare at it for hours. It's a great piece to frame and hang too. I saw that you're moving again. Where are you off to/moving to? xoxo

  11. Great photo Jude.

    Thanks for sharing your part of the world with us!

  12. beautiful beautiful! we don't get much snow in Osaka, so I'll focus on this picture ;)

  13. Hi Connie - thank you so much! :)

    Hi Cafe Bellini - I hope you get to return! (Soo fun you went as a kid). Meantime, sending some virtual sunshine. :)

    Hi Justine - thanks so much! Thank you for your sweet comments about my photos, given how much I love yours too :)

    Hi Stacey - sigh, I think I'm still breathing that fresh al fresco air from your post! :) Thanks so much for asking, we've traditionally returned to London this time of year, but this year we're experimenting! Going to the wilds of Southern Jersey (Princeton area, where we 1st met & fell in love :)). We'll see how long work lets us stay, but it'll be nice to not face a looong London winter for a change! :)

    Hi Ren - That's so kind of you, thank you & thanks for peeking at my world! :)

  14. Hi Kat - thanks so much! Haha, I do exactly that, focus on the NON wintery pix when it gets all cold (not sure why I keep spending winters in the colder, darker parts of the planet :)).

  15. that looks so much like a holiday postcard!

    Thankyou for the comment on my blog :)

  16. Hi Kirsty and Becca, thanks so much for your sweet comments!

  17. I just came back to see if you told me where you're going. I'm happy it will be some place warmer than the harsh London winters:-)

  18. Aww, thanks so much Stacey - that is super-sweet of you! :)

  19. that's very beautiful, makes me want to hit the beach right away!

  20. Look at that view... STUNNING!!!


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