Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Ladurée and Penhaligon's

I couldn't stop thinking of these two luxe shops after the last post, so here are some exquisite macarons, a Ladurée specialty, almost too pretty to eat. (I love the above photo by Aya Brackett).

The Ladurée in London's Burlington Arcade is like walking into a gold-foil-wrapped confection, which I guess is the idea. :)

British perfumer Penhaligon's has a cult following (and supply the royals). I don't even use perfume that much, but I can be sold!

Penhaligon's sweeet "scent library" (first spotted at the Burlington Arcade locale) has scents named Artemisia & Endymion. Sigh.

Little notes
Ladurée and Penhaligon's have been spreading their wings across Europe, stirring up fun local buzz--e.g., just check out the posts below!...

Peeks & thoughts into the Milan Ladurée from Rubber Slippers in Italy...(Do have a look around this lovely blog - not only is it wonderful food inspiration, it's filled with delightful posts on all things Italian and beyond)...

And a bit of perfume desire at Penhaligon's Paris...

(Images via Aya Brackett, Ladurée, Notcot and Penhaligon's.)


  1. Gah-gah-gah..I have to go to Laduree! Wait, let's see tomorrow's temps in Milan.....................hmmmm...lower to mid-20's in the morning. That's not so bad. We shall see!

  2. Oh my goodness, it would be so exciting if you go to Laduree!! I'd love to hear your take on the Milan branch (or anything having to do with Milan really :)

  3. those are all amazing. they look lovely, and my favorite is the scent library!

  4. Hi Vinda - I fell in love with the scent library too! Thanks for visiting :)

  5. I wished i knew about this place when i lived in Italy. I made several shopping trips to Milan, but usually, for clothes and makeup(they have an awesome MAC counter there). I tend to breakout when i wear perfume(guess, i'm allergic), so i like perfume oils and very mild perfume that is safe for sensitive me. Great post Jude!

  6. Hi Stacey - I hear ya, I also have to be careful with the scents! And so fun you got to live in Italy! I'd love to live there for a time (though I need to cut down my nomad life:)...your Milan shopping trips sound di-VINE...esp. with lovely MAC there!

  7. Loved the Laduree I checked out in Ginza :)

  8. I am head-over-heals addicted to scents...that scent library has my name written all over it! It is like a chemistry set only way better :)

  9. ohmygosh! These images are incredible!!

  10. Hi Kat (K and S) - that is too fun there's a Laduree in Ginza, Laduree world-tour next up!

    Hi Cat - I know what you mean -- all those precious little vials, but filled with nicer-smelling scents ;)

    Hi Melissa - yes, it almost seems a shame to eat something so pretty :)

  11. Hi Iva - thanks so much! And thanks for visiting :)

  12. lovely blog thanks for sharing x

  13. Hi kirstyb - thanks so much for visiting! :)

  14. thanks for your comment, love your photos and I agree on laduree and penhaligans!

  15. Hi Justine - thanks for visiting! It's fun to hear from another "August Break" photo participant. :)

  16. I've always loved the concept of little vials of scent together. Love the confectionery

  17. Hi MarchMusings - I'm totally with you on the little vials idea :) Thanks for dropping by!

  18. Ahh that vials idea is fab...


  19. Hi JMay - I love those vials too, just darling! Thanks for visiting :)

  20. I do like Penhaligon's perfumes, simply because they're very old-fashioned, elegant, scents in very pretty bottles. Nice to smell, nice to look at therefore. :)

    BTW I'm over here from Flickr via The August Break Project. What a lovely blog you have. (I'm also now feeling a little peckish having seen that delicious guacamole recipe you've posted)!

  21. I do like Penhaligon's perfumes, simply because they're very old-fashioned, elegant, scents in very pretty bottles. Nice to smell, nice to look at therefore. :)

    BTW I'm over here from Flickr via The August Break Project. What a lovely blog you have. (I'm also now feeling a little peckish having seen that delicious guacamole recipe you've posted)!

  22. Hi Jayne - thanks so much for visiting! It's great to hear from another "August Break"-er! And I've really enjoyed spotting your *beautiful* AB posts on Flickr. P.S. I hope my metric conversions for the guacamole recipe aren't too disastrous! (I'm just a heathen American still trying to master metrics :)

  23. Hmmm...I don't wear perfume, but I think I might be a candidate for convincing as well! As for LaDuree's macarons...well, the location is pretty glorious but I found them rather too sweet. I'm ready for a new it-pastry to storm the scene...

  24. Hi Michelle - yes, Penhaligon's makes quite seductive that way! (I'm a very light perfume user too.) That's so interesting about the macarons...I think the 3-year-old in me was utterly taken-in by the candy colors :) I'd love to see what the next it-pastry will be!

  25. This is what I miss most about London... It's proximity to the Continent. The Italian food is made by Italians for Italians using Italian ingredients that leave Italy in the morning and reach London in plenty of time for (an early - always early in London) dinner... bb

  26. Hi Bombay Beauty - yes, and another lovely thing (that I don't think has quite reached the States) is the fact that London food is actually, well, GOOD! (Things are fresher, distributed differently).


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