Friday, December 10, 2010

Find simplicity

{A moment of sweet sun in our new place}
Out of clutter, find simplicity.
From discord, find harmony.
In the middle of difficulty, lies opportunity.
-Albert Einstein

Although it's been a too-long workweek and I'm still finding new rhythms in a new town, we're sloowly creating order from chaos, forging new chapters. I wouldn't want it any other way.
~ Have a wonderful weekend, full of simple harmony! ~

P.S. Just for fun, has anyone seen Black Swan? I'm so intrigued!

(Black Swan image via FanPop.)


  1. Dear Jude,
    I wish you a wonderful weekend,
    we have here a lot of snow.
    Big Hugs,

  2. I've seen the trailer for Black Swan and already wish it would get shown here. Looks like an intriguing movie!

  3. I'm not even a movie person and I, too, am so intrigued by Black Swan! I read a mini interview with Natalie Portman about it (who described some of the scenes as truly disturbing), which made me want to see it even more. And that shot of the table--is that really in your house? Beautiful! I can only dream of a space that uncluttered . . .

  4. I love the light falling into the room in your picture, and I love its simplicity. Can't help with Black Swan though.

  5. love new adventures! have a nice weekend!

  6. Love this glimpse into your home, this looks a very inviting room. Haven't heard of this film.

  7. Oh it's so true. I recently tossed so much clutter and I feel so much lighter now.

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend, sweetie! xoxo

  8. great post. i especially love the quote. glad to here your starting to find your footing :)

    haven't seen black swan yet either, but i'm also very intrigued!

    xo Alison

  9. I love the light of winter and the promise of an empty room just waiting to be filled with memories. Have't seen the movie but have heard wonderful things.

  10. Very nice post!
    Have a nice weekend, Zondra Art

  11. Great post... got me thinking :)
    And no I haven't seen the Black Swan yet, I'm really intrigued but I'm such a chicken that it might be too scary for me...
    Wishing you a lovely weekend xxx

  12. I have no seen black swan but that does look like an awesome movie. I love Mila Kunis

  13. I've been implementing simplicty wherever possible. It seems to calm me down a little when I'm stressed out. The less I have to think about the better! I haven't seen the movie, but as part of my "remain sane" project I'm going to start going to a movie every now then, so it's on my list!

  14. Einstein was a smart one in so many ways. I'm not sure what simplicity in my life would mean right now. I can't wrap my head around anything but the immediate to do's. I'll find some real deep thinking time soon though.

    Have a gorgeous weekend, Jude!

  15. Dear Jude, the quote is wonderful. I have it on my iPhone - it's the first thing I see every time I turn it on. Have a great weekend

  16. Black Swan looks REALLY good, I definitely want to see it!

  17. Simple is elegant! :]

    I haven't seen Black Swan, but my friend was telling me about it and I really wanna see it! It seems SUPER interesting!

    ANYWAY, I've been meaning to ask you, dear Jude... when you were in Boston, did you ever go to FLOUR BAKERY+CAFE!??!?!? They're known for their amazinggg sticky buns. Bobbly Flay even had a throwdown episode with those sticky buns and LOST! :D It's my favorite place here in Boston!

  18. Like the photo of your new place:) Hope you have a wonderful weekend too:D

  19. I love how the sun is entering through your window. I can picture you sitting and enjoying your mornings. I love the quote!

    have a wonderful weekend!

  20. I've always loved that Einstein quote.
    I hope you have such a wonderful weekend too! Exciting that you're in this new chapter of your life. xo

  21. I need some serious decluttering in my life!!! Between crazy work hours and then my articles for school everywhere my place is a fire hazard!

    I am interested in seeing Black Swan. I don't like the picture on the cover though, Natalie P looks ill.

  22. Love this
    I cannot wait too see Black Swan- divine.

  23. This is a great shot, Jude! Love it and I love the quote to go with it! I haven't heard of the film yet.
    Have a wonderful, well-deserved weekend!

  24. Aw, thanks for all your sweet comments!
    @Claire - yes, it's in our new place, as you can see we've a long way to go with decorating!
    @Nicole - I LOVE flour in Boston! (It was started originally by someone from Hawaii too! :))

  25. I've not seen it, but you are right, it does look intriguing. Glad you are settling in, and I hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  26. I haven't seen black swan. I would love to but it's been sold out each time. Hopefully soon!

    I love that quote from Albert Einstein. So true! Moving can be stressful but so exhilarating at the same time especially if it's to a completely new place. All the best. Hope you're able to settle in okay!

  27. Saw the behind the scenes for Black Swan so I'm pretty intrigued. Mila and Natalie are already very slim girls and yet they still had to train hard and lose weight is such commitment to their craft, will go see it!

    Wanna come with? It's snowing lots here though!


  28. Love that peaceful shot! And I can't WAIT to see that flick!

  29. Beautiful photo !
    I love to see Black Swan but it's not released yet here. We are going to see Harry Potter tonight, instead... Have a lovely weekend Jude. x

  30. no i havent seen that film yet but am dying to! Its looks crazy good. Have a lovely weekend

  31. OMG I can't wait to see Black Swan - it sounds like it is going to be soooo good! x

  32. oh no i havent seen the black swan - now im intrigued xxx

  33. I absolutely love that first photo. The sunlight just adds such a lovely touch to the room :)

    And no I haven't seen it! It's not out yet here in France but I've heard raves about Natalie's performance and I can't wait!

    - the runaway

  34. Love the motto Jude. Definitely something we should all seek.

  35. I really want to see Black Swan!

    Such a true quote too - have a great weekend!

  36. New begginings are so wonderful! Did you ever see Anne of Green Gables? My favorite quote from it is that "tomorrow is always fresh with no mistakes in it." To that I'd like to add "and just great possibilites" :)

  37. It looks so lovely! :)
    Have a nice weekend, darling!

  38. "In the middle of difficulty, lies opportunity" is one of my most favorite quotes!!!! :) It's a funny coinsidence, actually, since when I post a new album on facebook I always choose a quote to go with it and when the whole allergy thign happened, friends asked me for some pics... Which I posted and it was exactly teh quote I chose to go with thsi unfortunate album lol

    I'm also curious about Black Swan!

  39. That quote is so appropriate for my own situation! Great reminder to appreciate the little things too! I definitely want to see Black Swan too! Have a great weekend! CC

  40. I love the first photo. I heard the black swan was amazing!!! <3

  41. Hi Jude- the photo looks lovely- Hope you enjoyed the show- just wanted to let you know I posted your Around The World today- Hope all is well! Ren

  42. i havent seen black swan but i want to :)

  43. amazing first picture, jude. very calming. and i can't wait to see black swan. it seems like an amazing movie, and natalie portman's in there too. i love her.

  44. Thanks so much, everyone!
    @Ren, thank you for the heads-up, so sweet of you to post it!

  45. Oh, I can't wait to see Black Swan! It looks like a perfect film for me :)

    And your place looks perfect. It's like a blank canvas and now you have a choice what to do with it :) You're lucky there's so much light in the space!

  46. love the quote AND the photo!

    and i heard a not-so-great review on npr, so i am not sure how fast i will be seeing that movie. i'll probably catch it on dvd!

  47. i love it - i wish i could be so uncluttered! there is that step of moving where you miss your stuff, but then some are dissociated from it. there is some freedom in it...

    and thanks for you note on my blog. just arrived at my destination... very tired, but happy that it is warmer here than nyc/boston...

    xo bb

  48. yay, so glad you guys are setteling in :)

    and I can't wait to see Black Swan but unfortunately it doesn't release in Norway until February! boo-hoo!

  49. I love that Einstein quote.

    And best of luck in your new place! x

  50. i can't wait to see this movie! And yes, best of luck in your town and house. It is exciting :) and i'm sorry i've been so MIA the past few days, just able to catch up today!

  51. I so needed this today...I love that quote:)Happy Monday, sweetie pie

  52. einstein is such a poet, philosopher, genius! plus he has lovely hair.
    that photographs is so beautiful,enjoy the calm before the unpacking!
    i haven't seen black swan, but this poster is such brilliant advertising. stunning cast, too! hmmm...but its too cold! i stay in the house like boo radley.

  53. I haven't yet, but it's something on my list to do. Nataline Portman is beautiful!


  54. I haven't seen it yet but I am really intrigued too! I wonder if I can convince my husband to go see it on our day night :-)

  55. Heard that Black Swan is incredible disturbing and leaves you with images you wish you hadn't seen. I don't do well with movies like that.

    Lovely blog.

  56. fantastic!

    HI!My name's Martina and I come from Italy...I love your blog and I''d like you visit my blog...if you want, follow me! I wait you and your tips! kiss kiss ^^


  57. Congrats on your new place...I haven't seen Black Swan, but have heard it's pretty dark.



  58. Oh, what a wonderful quote!!! Also, hope that your chaos is calming down!


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