Monday, November 8, 2010

To go the distance

Hope you had a fantastic weekend! I got caught up in the drama of the NYC Marathon. Like most people, I was especially inspired by one runner who almost didn't make it...

Edison Peña - the Chilean miner who less than a month ago was trapped underground in dark isolation, who motivated himself by running the mine's tunnels - successfully finished the NYC marathon yesterday.

Congratulations to Peña and to all the runners for proving that the human spirit, when motivated, can do amazing things!
~ Wishing you an inspiring and amazing week ahead! ~

(All images via The Telegraph.)


  1. oh wow!! i had no idea one of the chilean miners ran it, that is soo inspiring!!!

  2. saw it on the news here, way to go!

  3. Wow that the chilean miners ran it, that's amazing!

  4. he is one brilliant man, an inspiration!

  5. Awesome stuff that is very inspiring. I would love to run a marathon one day.

  6. Beautiful photos and post!!!


  7. What!! That just gave me goosebumps, how amazing!!

  8. Owww, I didn't know that, this post brought a big smile to my face :)
    Have a great Monday Jude!

  9. OMG that is so amazing! Thank you for this great post! Totally perfect for Monday morning
    Kisses, my dear

  10. Oh my goodness! I read about this on the NY Times. This is so very inspirational! Hoorah for Edison Pena!!!!

  11. Inspiring. What an amazing turn of events for this man, warms the soul.

  12. That's amazing. I'm so glad you posted about this -- I wasn't keeping up with the race yesterday and waking to read this just totally inspired me.

  13. Yeah, I heard on the radio he was running it! That is amazing - anyone who can run it is amazing! Hope you have a great week too, Jude!!

  14. Amazing story!
    and amazing post!


  15. If I only could be there! I´ve never been to NYC,but I dream about it a lot. And this post, story...amazing!
    xoxo from Hannie

  16. Isn't this so inspiring? Lovely way to start the Monday! XX

  17. Saw it on inspiring indeed!
    We need more news like this~


  18. I didn't read up on the marathon so to read mention about the chilean miner is just plain awesome. Go the distance indded!

  19. This just boggles my mind! What an incredible story!

  20. what an amazing amazing post! only few days back i was going through a story about marathon runners and i found it so completely inspirational...
    i had no idea that the chilean miner too participated!! that is just amazing and makes me you really wonder if there are any boundaries to achievement at all.
    I am such a slow runner, but I want to participate in the marathon in the next two years atleast.

    ps. this day is so completely grey, i am so lost without my bit of sun. but this post makes me so so happy.

  21. I didn't know the story about Edison Peña - awwww that is so, so awesome. Congrats to him & everyone! Great post :)

  22. Wasn't that an amazing story? I loved it too :)

    Hope your week is off to a great start! xoxo

  23. isn't it just beautiful! can you imagine running in the heat and suffocation of the mines?

  24. some people are 'extra' but the trouble is we don't know until we are in dire straits whether we are one of the special ones; this is something that often plays on my mind. am i a man or a mouse, could i go the 'extra mile'?...

  25. WOw! I did not hear about this story! How GREAT!
    Thank you so much for your tips Jude, so cool!
    Have a nice evening!

  26. Had not heard of that story, and what a story! Oh my.

    Happy h a p p y hugs for the new week, sweet Jude xxxx

  27. i could never in a million years run that marathon, many props to those folks

  28. I always love the marathon, it's inspiring isn't it?!

  29. That was amazing! I agree- very feel good!

  30. That is really quite a race, and I had not heard about the miner. What an inspiring story. Makes one realize that some of the simplest things we feel we cannot do, are more than likely quite within our reach if we want them badly enough. Thank your for sharing this, and I hope you've had a great day!

  31. Oh wow! Such a great and inspiring story. Bless him

  32. We had the Auckland marathon last weekend and we watched the participants on TV. Good to know a Chilean miner took part in the NYC marathon.

  33. beautiful and amazing story!
    Jude thank you!

  34. Ok, first how did he train so fast? Second, did he even train at all? Amazing!!!

    It's such an accomplishment.

    Great images.

    And congrats to those individuals that ran it. :)

  35. That is totally crazy. What an inspiring man! I can't imagine having gone through something so traumatizing and then training for a marathon!

  36. So proud of Edison Peña! What an amazing man!

  37. Thanks everyone for your wonderful comments - he really *was* amazing to do this!

    @Lisa - so true, stories like this make you think of how much you really could accomplish if you wanted!

  38. Im a runner...and Id LOVE to run ths one day!!!

    Congrats to all who participated!!!

    Stop by and say Hello ♥
    Enter my Awesome ModCloth Giveaway

  39. I also loved Edison Peña's story - so inspiring!

  40. It is so inspiring!

    oh ps: I'm happy to finally be "officially" following your lovely blog : )

  41. Popping by to say Happy Tuesday to you:-).XX

  42. What an amazing story - it puts a lot of things in perspective really..

    Ps: Thought the giveaway I'm currently running might tickle your fancy!


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