Monday, August 9, 2010

Winter's tale: Romantic ballet proposal

While cleaning emails, I rediscovered this sweet London story I'd shared with friends & couldn't resist sharing here! It happened just before Christmas, at a Royal Ballet Nutcracker performance...

During the ballet, the lead male dancer, as the Nutcracker Prince, is supposed to hand the lead female dancer, playing Clara the heroine, an invitation.

But that night, the invitation had the words "Will you marry me?" on it. The audience didn't know, but they'd just witnessed a real life proposal onstage between the two dancers, a real life couple.

The Royal Ballet sweethearts, Paul Kay and Leanne Cope (via)
In later interviews, the ballerina said she was totally surprised and might have danced off a few measures too early, but somehow finished her performance...and said YES! (Read the story here.)

{Isn't that so sweet? I attended the ballet the next night & was sorry I missed the most romantic performance ever by just one evening! And...I know it's off-season to share winter tales in summer, but couldn't help myself...}


  1. Thanks, Melissa! That's how I felt when I heard this too :)

  2. That is just too romantic for words. I don't know if I'd have been able to finish the dance had I been in her shoes. *sob sob*

  3. Hi Rowena - oh gosh, I have NO idea how she finished dancing either! I confess, the story made me tear up a bit too - who said romance was dead? :)

  4. Are you serious? This is so romantic. I'm a sucker for stories like these too. Jude, also thank you so much for your kind words on my blog. You're a gem and i know we'd be great friends if we lived close by. I guess we can always be great friends virtually:-). xoxo

  5. Hi Stacey - I'm SUCH a sucker too!...thought this was the sweetest thing :). I loved discovering your blog - your post today really touched me particularly, and was a great reminder there are *live* human beings behind every blog :) Thank you always for your lovely comments - sending lots of good thoughts (and virtual comfort food) your way!!

    Hi Kat - I loved this too! Just nice to hear sweet tales sometimes :)

  6. Wow! What a wonderful story. Kind of like a fairy tale!!
    Thanks for posting this. Made my day!

  7. Hi Lisa - it really has a fairy tale feeling! (and it made my day when I first heard it too :)

  8. Oh my goodness- that is too sweet and totally something I should blog about! This happened with the SF ballet performance of Romeo and Juliet. So sweet!

  9. Hi Dancing Branflake - I thought this was the sweetest thing ever too! It would be so fun if you blogged about it & the SF story! (I could update mine with a link to yours - it'll be a like a virtual crazy-romantic storytelling corner :-))


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