Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Spreadable chocolate

Yes, it does sound a little naughty, but Belberry's sweet raspberry chocolate spread is more like my idea of heaven: luscious fruit and decadent bittersweet chocolate melded together.

A purple fig version is also available, which I'd love to try! Read a TimeOut NY write-up here. (In NYC, it was introduced at Fairway and has been a big hit, apparently).

(Image via Belberry.)


  1. I am liking this a lot! Satongo chocolate...okay, I needed something to stick in the search bar anyway.

  2. Hi Rowena, I had to look it up too! It looked too luscious to ignore :)

  3. ooh, I had the Satongo Fig was soooo good :)

  4. You *did*?? Oh, so amazing -- it sounds ABSOLUTELY delicious!

  5. Oh funsies -- having the fig Satongo on a bready base sounded perfect. (I'm one of those heathens who probably would've eaten it out the jar!)


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